Tag Archives: NorCal

07.10.20 San Clemente Island Season Recap


My initial thoughts… WOW.

Re-wind to three (3) months ago… I was in a dark and gloomy place. I thought every trip in our arsenal was about to be cancelled. Sadly, that became a reality for most of our trips, however the one bright spot was the San Clemente Island 2.5 Kayak Mothership trips.

For starters, these trips almost didn\’t happen. The first trip was down to the last few days before we got the official go-ahead call that our charters were going to be able to run. Sylvia, Joe and I were frantically sending emails out to our groups trying to keep them informed.

I am so glad we fought for these trips… primarily because these trips were ultimately able to run and our guests just love them.

This year we ran four (4) mothership trips during the short six (6) week spring season and had a lot of first time anglers. People from all over California from San Diego to Redding made the trek down and even a few from out of state.

The primary takeaway that stuck with us was that this trip is essentially the gateway drug to our style of fishing trips. These trips are fun, well organized and create memories with anglers that are impactful.

My favorite part has to be the people… we have forged so many relationships as a result of these amazing adventures. Jesse Landry (Fish Village Pro Staff) drives eight (8) hours to join our little getaway… for the same reasons as we do. Friends like Charlie Wardle, Jesse Landry and literally hundreds more make these trips extra special.

The Islander creates a feeling of nostalgia that anglers immediately latch onto. Once they lived this adventure for the first time they realize what is possible. I have had people tell me… \”I can\’t do that.\” I have also heard that only serious anglers can do what we do. Well guess what… you too can do it.

If you told me that you did something for the first time on this trip… IT DID NOT GO UN-NOTICED! That comment is music to my ears. My first yellowtail ever! My first yellowtail on a kayak! My first mothership trip! My first sheephead! My first halibut! My first chunky monkey calico bass. Keep telling me/us, it fuels me/us to keep charging!

What do I love about these trips?

  • I love that my stomach hurts from laughing and that my cheeks hurt from smiling all day…
  • I love that people experience something new and push their boundaries of what they think they can do…
  • I love that people experience something new and push their boundaries of what they think they can do…

Oh… and we eat good too!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for fishing with Fish Village. We will continue to build the best fishing adventures so that you can continue to push your limits on what fun means to you!
