As this one guy that fishes for bass a lot says… Folks at home, folks at home! WE GOT TUNA FEVER!
I don\’t know if you have been paying attention to what is happening off the coast of San Diego right now… would you be surprised if I said that the fleet is already on the tuna bite, they are already seeing quality schools of tuna with the big boys mixed in for some night time deep drops.
For those that joined our tuna trips last year… YOU ALREADY KNOW. Some of you didn\’t understand tuna fishing before you got on the boat, but you sure did by the time you got off the boat.
We are chartering another 2.5 day tuna trip with our partner Islander Charters. If you want to target bluefin, yellowfin and whatever else we find out there… join us. We are already 50% sold out before even announcing… people want to fish for tuna BAD. I can\’t blame them… we got the fever too!
Trip Details
- 2.5 day trip format (24/7) fishing
- $955 w/$400 deposit
- Final payment due at the end of May
- 22-27 anglers max.
- Departs the evening of 6/12 and returns the morning of 6/15
If you know that you want in and are ready to book, please complete a Trip Inquiry form and we will get you booked up in the order we receive the bookings.
Here are some photos from last year…. just a sampling of the incredible times we all shared together. For the full album, check out our Google Photos album.