What does it take to create some of the best fishing experiences available for kayak anglers and adventure anglers alike? Fish Village has to live the experience before we can offer it to our customers. We call these experiences scouting trips.
Sometimes we know exactly what we are going to be doing while others (cough) Australia 2019 we just sort of winged it. However we do it… we cover it with photo, video and now blogging.

South Louisiana Road Trip 2020
The crew and even Mike\’s Dad packed the truck and and a 24 ft. trailer and headed east to meet 15 others in Plaquemine\’s Parish in South Louisiana to target redfish and trout.

New Zealand Rd 2 Jan 2020
Joe finally joins in on the fun along with our first rendezvous with Brooks Beatty. Ivy and Rob lead the way to finalize our trip offering and capture fresh content for the launch.

Cedros Island Mexico Nov 2019
Rob and Nic have been wanting to get to Cedros for quite some time now… the boys + our homie Jesse Landry head south for a quick 3 days of fishing and filming.